mike hj chang

Copyright 2005-2020
Built with Indexhibit

Blue Trees, Black Fruits is an ongoing project that was initially research—to document, sketch, and record for upcoming drawings, paintings, and sculptures. The images below are works-in-progress and notes that explore the motifs and forms of profile views, elasticity, impressions, turbulence, and delirium.

"I want to know whether it is possible to see the world nakedly...which means I need to learn how to let the world in unfiltered, undistorted. In the process I have to unlearn many devices which govern the way we see, read, hear, and taste...more specifically visual languages...I have to confront the conventions which I myself involuntarily use as a lens to see. If i can strip, shed, or modify them, and let the world in with a little bit less friction, what can I find out? These new materials...what becomes of it? Would it exercise construction or entropy? What germinates and what dies... in this unchartable, misaligned inner space."